Mother Nature is the most beautiful thing in existence.
Taking inspiration from every beautiful animal, plant and natural thing on the planet, her existence is flawless. With beautifully mesmerising blue eyes, perfect skin and mind-blowing clothing, made from feathers, fur, insect wings, flowers and scales. She is elegant, graceful and shy.
She looks after everything that lives on the planet, from the birds in the trees to the fish in the seas, and everything in between, dedicating her entire life to this. Although she created everything you see in the natural world, she owns nothing, as every living creature is its own.
She loves to see her work in action, watching the sun rise, rain on a sunny day, the sunset into a beautiful twilight mist and the moon rising, to new born animals and plants growing naturally. You can find her all over the planet, from the deepest parts of the darkest oceans, to the highest peaks of the snow capped mountains. Her lifelong ambition is to create a world in a perfect balance of mankind and the natural earth.
Since her creation of mankind, Mother Nature has been diminishing, falling from grace and becoming ill. Her beautiful planet has been covered in power plants, rubbish dumps and pollution. Her beautiful appearance has taken on the same look, covered in oil, rubbish and dead flowers.
She has become very angry and depressed at mankind for destroying her world. She cries for her poor endangered or extinct children daily.
She believes that she needs to reveal herself to mankind, to make them realise what is happening to her, but is worried that if she does they may take advantage of her and not believe in her truly.
Although her appearance diminishes, gaining wrinkled skin, tired looking eyes and oily clothing, she is still beautiful and this will never change.
I choose Mother Nature as my character, because I believe she has an important message to send to the world. Her decaying and diminishing beauty and health is so worrying that I feel I need to show it to the world.
Her life is really important at the moment, and I feel that it is an important message that needs to be told through fashion. There are debates happening all over the world, on whether mankind is responsible for “global warming” or not, and a lot of the world is trying to become more “energy efficient” and planet friendly.
With my Mother Nature Photoshoot, I want to show the world, that even if mankind is not responsible for global warming, that we are responsible for the changes to the planet, and the diminishing of nature itself, from forest clearings to the pollution of the sea.
I believe that if people were shown the actual effect of their wasteful lifestyles that more people may convert to being planet friendly.