Thursday 12 August 2010

One last thing...

Whilst playing around with Photoshop I accidently... on Purpose... Made a huge colour adjustment to one of the images, and loved it.
Let me know what you think.
Do you think I should do more of the images like this?


Anonymous said...

this image you can tell that you have worked on it but i bet you spent ages on the rest of the images from the shoot aswell... you should post a few images that hasnt been edited and then ones u have to compare how ur photoshop skills are improved

Rachel Hovell said...

Thank you for the suggestion, the un-edited images are very grey and dark, I had to play around with the colour levels alot unfortunately. I will try and get some original's up for you to see x

Anonymous said...

You are aware that there's already a blog with pretty much this name, right? It's pretty well known too, but just wanted to check.

Rachel Hovell said...

I was sort of aware yes, but I've only just looked at it now. I don't mind, maybe people will come here by accident and like what they see? Lol, No MY style bubble is different enough to be OK. Thanks for the warning though x